After 111 years Auburn will lose it’s Post Office

The doors to Auburn Post Office will close on Wednesday 28th August. Australia Post Boss, Paul Graham claims the Post Office will close because profits have declined by 35% over the last four years. However residents say Auburn Post Office is always busy with extra long queues. Of course the real problem is that Australia Post Management don’t want to provide the many services that don’t make big profits.


Jason Clare MP, the Federal Member for Blaxland who represents a significant part of the Auburn electorate announced that Australia Post had agreed to reopen the Post Office at a new site some time in the future. The problem is we have NO COMMITMENT when the new Post Office will open and what services it will provide.


Auburn Post Office serves the needs of 41,757 residents, our Community is one of the most diverse in Australia with one of the largest refugee populations and an elderly population with 16.7% over 60 years of age. Many of the services are core to the proper functioning of our community – witnessing official documents, passport applications, police checks, Identification checks, banking and bill paying services on top of the normal postal and packaging services.


Australia Post is a Government owned business however the character of Australia Post has changed dramatically. Private Profit has become the priority in their corporate culture sweeping Public Service aside. They have made no secret of their plans to close a large number of post offices across Australia with recent closures at Campsie, Rockdale, a reduction of services at Silverwater and mail deliveries reduced to every second day.


Australia Post Boss, Paul Graham announced a half yearly profit of $33.6 million but also warned that more Post Offices needed to close. Paul Graham talks about Post Shops not Post Offices, this is important because Post Shops are only about making money where traditionally Post Offices are a community hub and seen as a place providing public services that are important for the health of our communities.


It’s the people who make an important difference at Auburn Post Office. It’s the staff with multiple language and cultural skills, familiar faces that help with filling out our passport applications, witnessing Government documents, locating lost mail or parcels, assisting our seniors with paying utility bills. These services might not make a profit but they’re important glue in holding our community together.


It was an important victory for our community when Jason Clare MP, Lynda Voltz our State Member and Mayor Lisa Lake felt enough pressure to lobby Australia Post and force an announcement from Australia Post Boss, Paul Graham to open a new site in Auburn. The problem is since the announcement Australia Post has put out notices about the closure but no mention about reopening a new site in Auburn. We need to increase the pressure on our local politicians to get a commitment on a new site, a date for reopening and a guarantee that we will have the same services.


Labor understands that the closure of the Auburn Post Office is an important community issue and we need to be cautious that the announcement of the new site was not a way to make the issue go away during the September Council elections. Our Community can use the Council elections as a pressure point to get those commitments on a new post office.


We have walked the streets of Auburn Town Centre and we can’t find a suitable site to replace the site at Auburn Central. Retail and Commercial sites in the Auburn CBD have been in short supply and expensive for a long time. An alternative site could be the former Auburn Council Administrative building with entrances off Auburn Rd and Susan St, the advantages are the building is more accessible and has off road carparking . Cumberland Council would probably be able to offer a much cheaper lease than Auburn Central.


A first step towards getting a commitment on the new Post Office and Services is signing the Petition – Declare the new site for Auburn Post Office. Letters to Jason Clare MP for Blaxland – Suite 7, Level 1, 400 Chapel Rd, Bankstown – 2200 or Email: and Phone: 97902466. The Battler is always happy to help if you need assistance writing a letter or email, contact us Mobile: 0451 635 924 or Email: .

Join us and send a message to Labor “AUBURN NEEDS A PROPER POST OFFICE”.